Category Archives: Sciatica Relief

Sciatica Exercises – An Effective Remedy for Spine Trouble

Sciatica refers to the pain caused by the compression or irritation in the nerves at the lower end of the spine. Sciatica is also known as radiculopathy, which refers to the extension of the spinal disc beyond the normal position, resulting in the pressure on the sciatic nerve. Such a condition can often result in pain in the back and legs. The best remedy for the treatment of this kind of pain is sciatica exercises. It is often believed that bed rest helps in such a condition. […]

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Getting Over The Hassles of Back Pain

In the United States alone, a huge eighty percent of the population suffers from back pain at some point of theirs lives. It may manifest itself in different forms. It may come up as lower back pain, neck pain, or sciatica for some people. Back pain may last for a short while or it may persist for a longer time depending on different people. Back pain may range from a mild, persistent pain to an unbearable back ache than worsens with the slightest of movements. Back pain, […]

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Easing the Pain of Sciatica

When standing up becomes a great difficulty and causes excruciating pain, or a mere sitting down can make the pain unbearably worse, chances are, it’s sciatica. Most likely, a person is suffering from sciatica when he or she experiences tremendous pain even while doing simple body movements. Sciatica or sciatic nerve pain is a condition in which the sciatic nerves in the body become inflamed. Sciatic nerves are found beginning at the lower spine and continue down the buttocks area, back of the legs, and into the […]

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