Tag Archives: back

Low Back Pain Affecting Your Life And Work

The low back pain is the second most common ailment affecting 80% of the general United States population at some point in life. The pain may either be acute or chronic and is usually caused by a variety of diseases and disorders of the lumbar spine. Low Back pain is usually accompanied by sciatica. Sciatica is a pain that involves the sciatic nerve and affects the lower back, the back of the thighs and buttocks. Causes and Symptoms of Low back pain The patient of low back […]

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Getting Over The Hassles of Back Pain

In the United States alone, a huge eighty percent of the population suffers from back pain at some point of theirs lives. It may manifest itself in different forms. It may come up as lower back pain, neck pain, or sciatica for some people. Back pain may last for a short while or it may persist for a longer time depending on different people. Back pain may range from a mild, persistent pain to an unbearable back ache than worsens with the slightest of movements. Back pain, […]

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Diagnosing Back Problems

Back problems come in many different types, including herniated or slipped disc, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, degenerative disc disease, and problems caused by weak muscles. This article will give you an idea of what different types of tests are available and how your doctor will determine the source of your back pain. What you are about to read is the culmination of information from many different places and resources. Before your doctor can diagnose your condition and create a treatment strategy, a complete profile and physical exam are […]

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